Arts Festival Week 2024

韦德娱乐app下载地址学校每年春天都会举办为期一周的艺术节来庆祝艺术, capped with an Arts and Earth Day celebration on the final day. 

Friday, April 12


Sunday, April 14

一群学生去晨星录音室录制样带, working with Grammy Award-winning engineer Glenn Barratt. 

Monday, April 15

尼克·霍纳切夫斯基讨论了他的探索网络电视节目《韦德娱乐app下载地址》的创作过程. 尼克和他的船员探索世界上最好的钓鱼目的地和咸的角色,伴随着他们的场景. 

Allie Bentley joined us to give a remote portrait drawing lesson.    Bentley has exhibited nationwide, with solo exhibitions in Philadelphia, New York, Chicago, and San Diego.



Tuesday, April 16

Students gathered at the Crib to express their artistic side. Inside, they made their prom masquerade masks, paper flowers, and headbands, and outside, they drew with chalk, played with bubbles, and more!


Wednesday, April 17

Mukamari, a soul artist from Zimbabwe, currently residing in Doylestown, treated the students to a performance. Mukamari用他的音乐超越娱乐,并试图教育和挑战社会面临的问题.

当晚晚些时候,奥姆·德赛24在他的青年艺术家系列音乐会上表演. Aum and eight other accompanists played various music, including jazz, pop, and classical, as well as music from France, the Middle East, and India. 当晚还包括我们的凯茜·布洛克写的一篇原创文章. 


Thursday, April 18: Workshop Day!

今年的工作坊由专业人士和我们自己社区的爱好者主持. The day included painted skateboard decks, bookmaking, graffiti wall, cupcake decorating, Jewelry, open-mic poetry, photograms, henna tattoos, macrame plant hangers, and multiple guest workshops.

  • Unblock your creativity! Lose the self-critic with Shotsie
    卡尔·“肖特西”·戈尔曼是美国纹身艺术家、画家、雕塑家和诗人. 他从事纹身工作超过42年,是专业纹身师联盟的联合创始人. 肖特西涵盖了广泛的概念,从西方和东方哲学中汲取灵感. Through a series of images, 肖西说明了冥想是如何成为通往内心生活的门户的, aiding in removing the ego and pursuing perfection. 他强调,恐惧和怀疑是创意障碍的主要来源, and the key to creativity is play, not intellectualizing the process.

  • 制作你自己的塔罗牌——对塔罗牌的介绍——与克里斯汀·戈尔曼一起介绍直观的自动绘图和写作 Students got a brief introduction to automatic drawing. 他们拿到一张大的新闻纸,试着写了起来. Their final image related to a tarot card that was selected for them, and then they drew that card on a lovely piece of heavy multi-media paper.

  • Salsa Dance with Sharonne Vinokurov The workshop included fundamental footwork and partner work.  “这是关于学习用我们的身体以一种尊重和非常有趣的方式相互移动和交流," said Sharonne.

  • Pigments, Egg Tempera, and Medieval Art Techniques with Elisa Markhoff 学生们体验了用蛋彩画和历史颜料创作自己的颜料. 他们还讨论了埃及和苏丹在为古代和中世纪世界提供原材料和模型方面的作用. 

  • 连环漫画:学习讲故事和笑话的一系列图像和照片与格里夫·尤尔查克

  • 作为雕塑的建筑,建筑和抽象与萨尔·安农齐亚托

  • Indigo dye & Shibori with Susan Mania

  • Mend and Make with Rebecca Kelly

  • Exploring the Intersection of Music and Visual Arts with Will Fredendall 威尔将探索音乐和视觉艺术的交集,从我们最早的音乐创作祖先到现代世界. Connections were drawn between Debussy and Monet, Ornette Coleman and Jackson Pollock, Ancient Indian Iconography, and Hariprasad Chaurasia, 研讨会最后以现场表演结束,展示了该研究的现代应用. When the line blurs between artistic mediums, 新的艺术途径出现,情感表达有机会蓬勃发展.

  • Audition Tips and Self-Tapes with Millo Lazarczyk

  • Cupcake Decorating with Cari Nelson and Lori Davis

  • Macramé Plant Hanger with Caitlin Miller '18


Friday, April 19 Community event

Despite the dropping temps, 许多家长留在校园参观阿贝走廊上的AP艺术展,并聚集在花园里参加由家庭和学校协会接待委员会主办的非正式家长社交活动. 韦德娱乐app下载地址随后举行了一场“艺术与植物”义卖活动来庆祝地球日,所得款项将捐给俱乐部. It was a lovely afternoon, hanging with the community, eating good food, buying art and plants (Mother's Day is coming up), Singing, and Poetry!

STC Residency Showcase